JAL starts accepting physical status card requests



JAL Mileage Bank Status Cards

JAL Mileage Bank status cards

Last year, Japan Airlines (JAL) announced they will no longer issue the physical status cards by default and members can instead display their latest membership status information using the JAL App instead. But unlike some other airlines, JAL will still issue the physical status cards by request......at least for the time being. And JAL has just opened the application today.

Errors for JMB members without status
JMB members without status will receive an error

This goes without saying that you need to first qualify for JMB FLY ON status or JAL Global Club (JGC) before you can request for a physical *status* card. Those who don't qualify will see the error message above. 

Eligible JMB members will see the status card available
Eligible JMB members will see the status card available

For eligible members who have logged in to their JMB account, you should see the card that is currently available. Note that you can only request for the physical card of the highest status tier you have achieved. But once you've been qualified for a higher status tier, you can make another request for the upgraded status card. The card issued will be valid till March 31 2022. 

To request for the new card, simply visit JAL website. The deadline to request for the 2021 status card will be December 12 2021. 



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