In order to prepare full rollout of e-ticketing for its domestic flights, JAL has been doing upgrade to its check-in and ticketing systems at night while there's no domestic flights operating. However, the upgrade on Tuesday night went terrible wrong and the check-in system wouldn't turn on at all after the upgrade!
As a result, they are forced to do a rollback to their backup system and cancelled 31 domestic flights departing from Haneda and caused delays of up to 50 minutes for some other flights. HND was packed with passengers (you can see the photo if you read the original article). Looks like they temporary disable the web check-in system for domestic flights (see the announcement on JAL Japan website screen capture below)

Seems like someone hasn't done enough QA on the system before the rollout. They should be more careful for upgrade like this. But at least it sounds like they are smart enough to only rollout at HND since other airports are not affected. And I am impressed that they were able to recover from the failure within an hour! "Good" job :)
Source: The Mainichi Daily News
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